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The NRA Defensive Pistol Course is a very advanced course and will focus on the techniques needed to develop a defensive mindset. The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence. As a result of participating in this course, the student will be able to explain and demonstrate the following: How to apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling when carrying a concealed firearm, basic principles of concealment, the difference between cover and concealment, drawing from the holster, levels of mental awareness, developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal protection, clearing common stoppages, and more.

The course is designed as a logical follow-up to the NRA Basic Pistol course.  A sampling of subjects that will be discussed and practiced are: Principles of concealment, Presenting a firearm from concealment, Confrontation avoidance, Flash sight picture, Reloading under stress, Immediate action drills, and range training.


This is an 8-hour course that focuses on the techniques needed to develop a defensive mindset. The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence. As a result of participating in this course, the student will be able to explain and demonstrate the following: How to apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling when carrying a concealed firearm, basic principles of concealment, the difference between cover and concealment, drawing from the holster, levels of mental awareness, developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal protection, clearing common stoppages, use of pocket pistols, and more. Be prepared to spend 2 to 3 hours on the range.


 Course Length: Approximately 4-Hours in the Classroom & 4-Hours on the Range

The following topics will be reviewed in the course:

- The importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically for personal protection
- How the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling are applied to concealed carry
- Basic principles of concealment
- Presenting a pistol - reholster
- Mental awareness
- Mental preparation to develop a defensive mindset for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection
- Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations
- Explain the psychological and physiological changes that may occur during an attack
- Flash sight picture
- Reloading under stress
- Clear common stoppages
- Immediate Action Drills
- Cover and concealment
- Presenting a pistol from concealment and shoot targets at varying distances
- .....and more

Participant equipment requirements:

- Pistol- minimum calibers, .38 Special or 9mm.
- Three magazines or speed loaders
- Strong side holster; magazine holders or speed loader pouch
- Minimum 250 rounds of factory ammunition
- Clothing appropriate for concealed carry
- Eye and ear protection

Course Pre-requisites:

- NRA Basic Pistol, NRA FIRST Steps Pistol course or other certified pistol training

Firearm, Holster and Ammo Requirements:

Your firearm must be fully functional, have all factory-installed safety devices intact, and have no dangerous modifications (such as a "hair" triggers less than 4 pounds, removed trigger guard, etc.). "Pocket Pistols" are not allowed due to their very small size and difficulty of use. Holsters must correctly fit the firearm, completely cover the trigger guard and remain open when the firearm is removed. Factory ammunition is required, NO reloads.  Hearing protection is mandatory and is available at numerous retailers.  You will need 300 to 400 rounds of ammunition, firearm, holster, concealment garment such as a jacket etc, 2 extra magazines or speed loaders, eye protection is also required.  Knee & elbow pads are also highly recommended, your firearm should be 9mm or larger caliber.  Shoes – comfortable with sufficient support to permit a full range of motion



Cost BASIC $150 



Deposit $100



SUNDAY 9:00-5:00


NRA textbook, and certificates included.  $100 Deposit Required to secure seat in the course.

We will be using an outdoor or indoor range. Bring sunscreen, bug spray, and appropriate weather gear.

Classes subject to change or cancellation without notice.


NRA textbook, and certificates included.  $100 Deposit Required or paid in full to secure seat in the course.  We will be using an outdoor or indoor range. Bring sunscreen, bug spray, and appropriate weather gear.  Classes subject to change or cancellation without notice.



Text at 309-883-8706




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